Monday, December 30, 2019

The Four Culture Types Consists Of Two Dimensions

The two by two matrix that Cameron and Quinn use to describe the four culture types consists of two dimensions. The first dimension differentiates effectiveness criteria that emphasizes flexibility, discretion, and dynamism from criteria that emphasizes stability, order, and control. This just means that some organizations are viewed as effective if they are able to change rapidly whereas others are viewed effective if they are stable. The other dimensions differentiates effectiveness based on whether or not they are internally oriented or if they if they are externally oriented. Thus saying that some companies are viewed as effective if they are focused on harmonious internal operations for example IBM. Whereas, other are deemed effective if they are focused on competition with outsiders such as Honda. The two dimensions above then are able to create four distinct organizational culture types: clan, adhocracy, hierarchy, and market. The clan culture became popular after Japan’s success after WWII. Some typical characteristics in clan culture are teamwork, and corporate commitment to employees. The basic assumptions include: customers are best thought of as partners, the environment can best be managed through teamwork and employee development and more. They are typified by a friendly place to work where people share a lot of themselves and where success is defined in terms of internal climate and concern for people. The Adhocracy culture is one in which is typified by itsShow MoreRelatedStudy of Organizational Culture in Singapore1669 Words   |  7 Pagestogether. Review Culture may be viewed as a group s collective being which is both static and dynamic in nature, and may be studied by looking at the dimensions of the collective being at a point in time as well as over time (RALSTON et al). 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